Wonderful Water Day 2
After Gratitude Circle and a silly game of Bibbity Bibbity Bop, we went to the outdoor classroom to finish our Ocean Layer posters from yesterday. We added animals to the Midnight zone, Abyssal Zone and Hadal Zone. Then we discussed the water cycle and made Water Cycle models to take home. During snack break, they created some of their plot for their original play and we went to the obstacle course. Then we discussed water pollution and I did a demo with celery and red food dye to illustrate the xylems taking up water through a plant. Then we played “Water Pollution”, a capture the flag style game (your team has a water source you are trying to keep clean, while the other team is “polluting” it with various cards that have examples of ways water becomes polluted. You can remove pollution in your water but you have to find the matching solution to the problem to correct it). At lunch, we played a few more games and worked on their play some more. Then we went to the creek to play and explore. At dismissal, some campers did archery while others played "Observation" or magnetic marble run.