Our Mission Statement...
To foster an appreciation for nature, science and the arts.
What is Buds of Little Rose?

Little Rose Nature Adventures is an educational program that teaches a love of nature, stewardship and organic farming skills. It includes 94 acres of conservation property (woodlands,creeks, meadows, a swamp) and organic farm under the 501c3 non-profit organization Buds of Little Rose.

Who We Are

Maria Moody (Curriculum Creator and Director of Exploring the Earth Summer Program, 2017- present). She is the sole creator and director of Exploring the Earth's Nature-based Summer Program at Buds of Little Rose. She is responsible for all instruction, daily management, logistics and finances. She is a certified Georgia Educator in all content areas for General and Special Education Pre K-5th grade. She has taught various grades and positions K-5 for over 10 years including 9 years at Chase Street Elementary School in Athens, Ga. She is an alumni of Teach For America, during which she taught 7th grade Special Education at Lewis and Clarke Middle school for two years in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Maria has a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Georgia. She is a certified Project WILD instructor. In 2013 she created and led "Seeds of the Earth Summer Camp" at Earthsong in Athens, Ga.
Melissa Steele (Founder, Chair of Buds of Little Rose 501(c)3) is an artist, designer, and organic farmer. She founded Buds of Little Rose in Watkinsville, Georgia in 2010 to provide local opportunities that nurture environmental stewardship through nature-based programs and organic farming education for kids and adults. Her lifelong love of children and an easy way with them called her to create this unique educational experience. As an artist she has the ability to spark imagination in children and adults, and as a natural leader, all are drawn to her free-spirited approach to learning.