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Mountains in Clouds

Session 2 May 31

To start off the first morning, we did a Meet my Friend/get to know you game. Then I showed them the obstacle course and let them run through it. This week's camp theme is the Big Picture and today's topic was plastic pollution. So we discussed what plastic is made of, how it is made and where does it go when we finish using it. To collect each part of the "Life cycle of a water bottle" the explorers needed to complete 13 tasks (Among Us Game style) before the Imposter ejected all the crew. They were very successful at catching the Imposters and completed all their tasks. So they each got a piece of the cycle of a plastic water bottle (from how oil is created over millions of years, to drilling it, refining it, adding chemicals to make little plastic pellets which are melted into molds, then it is transported to the store, you buy it and use it, then where does it go?...either recyled into other plastic products or the trashcan/landfill).

We also talked about microplastics and how they have entered the food chain. We split into krill, fish and sharks. The krill ran around to collect "food" into their "stomach bag" but just like many sea creatures they couldn't tell if it was plastic they were accidentally or unknowingly "ingesting". Then the fish tagged the krill and took their bag, then the sharks did the same. At the end we opened the bags and I announced that any red paper was actually plastic. Some animals had more microplastic than food in their stomachs. Others were lucky and had not eaten very much microplastics.

Then we talked about how people are looking into making new products that are similar to plastic but not so detrimental to the environment. There are artists and scientists experimenting with bioplastics made from algae, seaweed, cornstarch and more. Most bioplastics are made from a plant source and biodegradable. For our own bioplastic art we used gelatin, water, vinegar and glycerin. After mixing the right amounts together in their own bowl, they poured it into a mold or a sheet to decorate and wait to dry.

Next we ate lunch and explored the creek. Some explorers found a large tadpole and we observed it for awhile before letting it go. Some also caught water beetles and tried to catch the minnows.

Back at the Main Camp Circle, we started brainstorming characters for our original play to be performed this Friday. We also did some archery, obstacle course and playing a game called Observation.

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