Lovely Land Day 4
We began with Gratitude Circle and a game of Get Set Grow ("Seed" teams were running around collecting 5 elements needed to turn into a plant but if tagged by a "Bird or Squirrel" they had to freeze until unfrozen by the "Gardener"). Then they picked out costumes for their play. Next, we talked about how to identify some local bugs (Ebony Jewelwing, Whirligig beetle, Black Swallowtail Butterfly, Tussock Moth Caterpillar, Giant American Millipede and more) while they finished gluing their natural materials onto their watercolor painting from Tuesday. At snack, we worked on their original play. Then they played Go Find (like Go Fish but with the local plants and animals that we talked about yesterday and today). Then after lunch, those that wanted to went to the obstacle course for a bit and the creek. There were a few campers fishing while others were opening shops for clay, rocks and natural paint.