Lovely Land Day 1
First they played a silly Name Game to learn each others’ names. Then the first activity was starting a Mixed Media Art project that will be ongoing throughout the week. Today they made a pencil sketch and collected natural materials (leaves, bark, moss) to dry press in a notebook and glue later to their art. We also collected materials to make our own paint brushes. Then we used pine pitch glue (Pine tree resin and charcoal) to attach the bristles they collected from the woods to the handle of their paint brush. Next we played a theater game “Why are you late?” during snack break and went to the obstacle course. After that, we discussed biodegradable materials and made tangram puzzles from a mixture of cornstarch, sand and water (“CornCrete”). They are drying and we will paint them later this week. During lunch we brainstormed characters and possible plots for their play (***to be performed on Friday at 2***). Then we went to the creek. Some campers made clay creations, others made “bath bombs” or played in the splash zone. At dismissal, there was a choice to do archery, magnetic marble run or the drama game “Observation”.