June 27-July 1 Day 3
We began Europe Part 1 with a game of Croquet. Then we played the game 6 Men's Morris with partners and looked at famous castles around Europe. We also discussed how stained glass windows are made. Next they either traced a leaf for their stained glass project or created their own designs. While working on their stained glass, I talked about Russia's space program accomplishments and Isaac Newton's life and discoveries. Then we looked at the difference between Newton's theory of gravity versus Einstein's theory. At snack time they practiced their play. We went to the obstacle course for a short time. Then we discussed European Coat of Arms and those that wanted to made a Coat of Arms for their family. We also talked about Thomas Newcomen (British engineer and inventor of the atmospheric steam engine- a precursor of James Watt's engine) and quick overview of how a steam engine works. Then we looked at some of the silly games they have in Finland (wife-carrying races, cellphone throwing contests, air guitar contests and more)! Then we went to the creek and I explained steam power a bit more with a little steam toy boat.