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Mountains in Clouds

Above and Below Week 7 Day 2

We began the morning with the Zombie Name Game and Gratitude Circle. Then we discussed the deepest parts of Earth to the highest point on Earth as well as the furthest reaches of space that we know about. We explored equipment and tools scientists use for exploration such as Atmospheric Diving Suits, Biomimetic robots, satellites and rockets. Then they each worked on making a foam rocket powered by a rubber band to launch. Then in teams, they used a protractor to record the angle of trajectory and figure out which angle provided the most distance for their rocket. Then we had a snack and went to the obstacle course. Next, we discussed telescopes and they made their own telescope with lenses from reading glasses. The image is upside down like a refracting telescope before mirrors were introduced. After lunch, we went to the creek. On the way to the creek we saw lots of Chanterelle Mushrooms. Then at the creek we saw a friendly brown water snake. I know it is non-venomous because of the circular pupils, narrow head and the markings are not the Hersey Kiss pattern of copperhead. I still guarded it to remind the kids to stay away from it. We also saw a dead deer which I have never seen at the creek! Not sure how it died but it was on the side of the creek not in the water and Melissa and I will bury it. Lastly, we played a couple improv games and added more to their original play.


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