Lovely Land June Day 3
We started off the morning playing Flower and Bees. Then we checked our Biodegradable experiment. So far only the lettuce and paper has decomposed some. We were surprised the apple wasn't very different yet. We will check it one more time Friday. We water colored our sketches from the first day and went on a hike to collect natural elements to add to the paintings. We performed the Brazilian folktale "The Dreaming Tree". We did our bug study and learned about insects we might see around Little Rose. We colored our Nature Journal pages that had information about Pill bugs, Crickets, Fireflies, Box Elders, Katydids, and Water Striders. Then we made bug traps and baited them with banana peel and a water/brown sugar/yeast mixture. We hung them up and put two in the ground to see what we can catch and observe.We will release anything we catch of course. We made some mud bricks and played with clay from the creek. We also played "If you...." ( a musical chairs type game where the odd one out says for example "If you like catching bugs" and those that do move to find an empty seat).