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Every evening, after camp, pictures and a daily summary will be posted to the website blog.


The Daily Schedule

*** Limit of 16 campers per week, ages 7-12***

Mon-Fri 8:30 am-2pm

Session 1:  Lovely Land

 May 20-24, June 3-7, June 17-21



8:20 - 8:40 Drop off/Arrival  


 8:45- 9 Gratitude Circle and Games


   9 - 10 Lesson/Activity (listed below)          


10:00-10:30     Snack (Bring your own) and Obstacle Course


10:30-11:30   Lesson/Activity  (listed below)


11:30 Lunch


12:00- 1:45 Hiking, exploring,playing at creek 


1:50-2:00- Pick up/Dismissal


***Friday at 2pm will be  a performance of the explorers' original play***


Session 1 Topics and Activities


Science: What are Biodegradable Materials?  Make a CoRNcrete Tangram Puzzle, Local Plants Seek and Find, Local Animal Tracks, Plant Adaptations, Layers of the Rainforest Interactive Booklet, Seed Dispersal,  Rocks and Minerals, Rock Cycle, Local Bugs


Art: Mixed Media Nature Art, Make your own Nature Paint Brushes,  Leaf Rubbings, Super Survivor Plants, Kindness Rocks


Engineering: Animal Architects, Seed Dispersal Challenge


Games: Architects and Builders, Guess that Track, Follow my Trail, Go Find, Who Lives There?, Plant Survivor Game, Get set grow,  Rock Cycle, Capture the Minerals








Session 2: Wonderful Water  

May 27-31, June 10-14, June 24-28



8:20 - 8:40 Drop off/Arrival  


 8:45- 9 Gratitude Circle and Games


     9 - 10 Lesson/Activity (listed below)          

10:00-10:30     Snack (Bring your own) and Obstacle Course


10:30-11:30   Lesson/Activity (listed below)


11:30 Lunch


12:00- 1:45 Hiking, exploring,playing at creek 


1:50-2:00- Pick up/Dismissal


***Friday at 2pm will be  a performance of the explorers' original play***


Session 2 Topics and Activities


Science: How much of us is water?, What causes Ocean currents?, Making Water cycle models, Water Pollution Demo, How Rainbows Form, Archimedes Screw


Art: Suminagashi Painting, Making your own kaleidoscope, Ocean Layers Interactive page


Engineering: Build a mini raft to test out at creek, Bridge Challenge,Hurricane Challenge


Games: Ocean's Predator vs Prey, Ultimate Water Cycle, Water Pollution Game, Archimedes Screw Relay, Cooperative Shipwreck Game​,  Hurricane Tag



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